
Notification Note on COVID-19 Situational Update May-9

The total laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours are 2383; of these sixteen (16) of them are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the total confirmed cases as of today are Two-Hundred-Ten (210). All of the cases confirmed positive are Ethiopians of which 7 are male and 9 female and their age ranges from 20 – 60 years old. Among the cases 13 of them are Addis Ababa residents, 1 from Amhara region (Woldiya Quarantine Center) and 2 are from SNNPR (Wolayita Sodo Quarantine Center and Gurage Zone Butajira town).

The travel history from abroad and contact with confirmed cases of today’s cases are presented below;

Potential ExposureNumber of Cases
Travel history from abroad2
Contact with confirmed cases13
Cases with no contact with confirmed cases and travel history1
 Total 16

The tests were conducted at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Armauer Hanssen Research Institute, National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center, Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute, International Clinical Laboratories, Adama Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Nekemte Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Amhara Public Health Institute (Bahir Dar and Dessie), SNNPR Public Health Institute, Addis Ababa PHREM Laboratory, Arsi University Laboratory, Haramaya University Laboratory, Jimma University Medical Center and Jigjiga University Laboratory.

Unfortunately, A 65 years old male Ethiopian, from Addis Ababa, who was on intensive care has passed away today bringing the total death due to COVID-19 in our country to five (5). Ministry of Health and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like to pass its condolences to the families.

Furthermore, two (2) people from Addis Ababa recovered from the disease that makes the total number of recoveries ninety-seven (97).

COVID-19 Situational Update as of Today

Total laboratory test conducted32,689
Laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours2383
Number of Confirmed cases within 24 hours16
Total patients of COVID-19 in treatment centers106
Patients in intensive care0
Newly Recovered2
Total Recovered97
New Death1
Total Deaths5
Returned to their country2
Total confirmed cases as of today210

Considering the increase in transmission of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like the public to strictly adhere to all precaution measures. We need to be reminded that every single action we take determines the risk of contracting the virus. Therefore, we should limit our movement and cover mouth and nose with face/cloth mask when going outdoors, avoid mass gatherings, wash our hands with water and soap and maintain physical distancing.

 For more information or to report if any person had contact with confirmed COVID-19 please call to the free toll line 8335 and 952 or to regular phone 0118276796 and regional toll free lines, or use our

Dr. Lia Tadesse

Minister of Health

 May 9, 2020


Notification Note on COVID-19 Situational Update May-8

The total laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours are 1861; of these three (3) of them are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the total confirmed cases as of today are One-Hundred-Ninety-Four (194). All of the cases confirmed positive are Ethiopians females and their age ranges from 23-33 years old. All of the cases are Addis Ababa residents. The travel history from abroad and contact with confirmed cases of today’s cases are presented below;

Potential ExposureNumber of Cases
Travel history from abroad
Contact with confirmed cases2
Contact with confirmed cases under investigation1
 Total 3

The tests were conducted at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Armauer Hanssen Research Institute, Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute, Adama Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Nekemte Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Amhara Public Health Institute (Bahir Dar and Dessie), Addis Ababa PHREM Laboratory, Arsi University Laboratory, Gondar University Laboratory and Jigjiga University Laboratory.

Furthermore, two (2) people (1 from Addis Ababa and 1 from Oromia Region) recovered from the disease that makes the total number of recoveries ninety-five (95).

COVID-19 Situational Update as of Today

Total laboratory test conducted30,306
Laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours1,861
Number of Confirmed cases within 24 hours3
Total patients of COVID-19 in treatment centers93
Patients in intensive care1
Newly Recovered2
Total Recovered95
Total Deaths4
Returned to their country2
Total confirmed cases as of today194

Considering the increase in transmission of COVID-19 the Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like the public to strictly adhere to all precaution measures. We need to be reminded that every single action we take determines the risk of contracting the virus.  Therefore, we should limit our movement and cover mouth and nose with face/cloth mask when going outdoors, avoid mass gatherings, wash our hands with water and soap and maintain physical distancing.

 For more information or to report if any person had contact with confirmed COVID-19 please call to the free toll line 8335 and 952 or to regular phone 0118276796 and regional toll free lines, or use our

Dr. Lia Tadesse

Minister of Health

 May 8, 2020


Notification Note on COVID-19 Situational Update May-7

According to the new information we have received after daily situational update was announced, among 85 laboratory tests conducted Tigray region, tested by Tigray Health Research Institute, four (4) are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the total cases confirmed positive for COVID-19 today are twenty-nine (29). The total confirmed cases as of today are One-Hundred-Ninety-One (191). All of the new four cases confirmed positive are Ethiopians of which all are male and their age ranges from 24-33 years old. All of them have a travel history from Djibouti and were in Mekelle mandatory quarantine.

COVID-19 Situational Update as of Today

Total laboratory test conducted28,445
Laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours1928
Number of Confirmed cases within 24 hours29
Total patients of COVID-19 in treatment centers92
Patients in intensive care1
Newly Recovered0
Total Recovered93
Total Deaths4
Returned to their country2
Total confirmed cases as of today191

Considering the increase in transmission of COVID-19 the Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like the public to strictly adhere to all precaution measures. We need to be reminded that every single action we take determines the risk of contracting the virus.  Therefore, we should limit our movement and cover mouth and nose with face/cloth mask when going outdoors, avoid mass gatherings, wash our hands with water and soap and maintain physical distancing.

 For more information or to report if any person had contact with confirmed COVID-19 please call to the free toll line 8335 and 952 or to regular phone 0118276796 and regional toll free lines, or use our

Dr. Lia Tadesse

Minister of Health

 May 7, 2020


Notification Note on COVID-19 Situational Update May-6

The total laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours are 1382; of these seventeen (17) of them are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the total confirmed cases as of today are One-Hundred-Sixty-One (162). The tests were conducted at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Armauer Hanssen Reasearch Institute, Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute, International Clinical Laboratories, Adama Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Amhara Public Health Institute (Bahir Dar and Dessie), Addis Ababa Regional Laboratory, Arsi University Laboratory, Haramaya University Laboratory, Jigjiga University Laboratory and Jimma University Medical Center Laboratory. Furthermore, two (2) people from Addis Ababa recovered from the disease that makes the total number of recoveries ninety-three (93). The Details of today’s cases are presented below;

S.NoCitizenshipResidenceAgeSexTravel history of AbroadContact with confirmed case
1EthiopianAddis Ababa27MaleNoHe has a risk of exposure due to the nature of his work
2Ethiopian 20MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
3Ethiopian 25MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
4Ethiopian 14MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
5Ethiopian 26MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
6Ethiopian 65MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
7EthiopianAddis Ababa28FemaleNoYes
8EthiopianAfar (Detected in Addis Ababa)39MaleNoUnder Investigation
9Ethiopian 22MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
10Ethiopian 30MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
11EthiopianAddis Ababa53FemaleNoYes
12Ethiopian 23MaleHe has travel history from Puntlad and is in Somali mandatory quarantine
13Ethiopian 24MaleHe has travel history from Puntlad and is in Somali mandatory quarantine
14Ethiopian 27MaleHe has travel history from Puntlad and is in Somali mandatory quarantine
15Ethiopian 20MaleHe has travel history from Puntlad and is in Somali mandatory quarantine
16Ethiopian 22MaleHe has travel history from Puntlad and is in Somali mandatory quarantine
17Ethiopian 41MaleHe has travel history from Puntlad and is in Somali mandatory quarantine

COVID-19 Situational Update as of Today

Total laboratory test conducted26,517
Laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours1,382
Number of Confirmed cases within 24 hours17
Total patients of COVID-19 in treatment centers63
Patients in intensive care0
Newly Recovered2
Total Recovered93
Total Deaths4
Returned to their country2
Total confirmed cases as of today162

The Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like to advise the public to strictly adhere to all precaution measures including avoiding mass gatherings, washing hands with water and soap, covering mouth and nose with face/cloth mask when in crowded areas, and maintaining physical distancing.

For more information or to report if any person had contact with confirmed COVID-19 please call to the free toll line 8335 and 952 or to regular phone 0118276796 and regional toll free lines, or use our

Dr. Lia Tadesse

Minister of Health

May 6, 2020


Notification Note on COVID-19 Situational Update May-5

The total laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours are 1047; of these five (5) of them are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the total confirmed cases as of today are One-Hundred-Forty-Five (145). The tests were conducted at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute, Adama Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Addis Ababa Regional Laboratory, Arsi University Laboratory, Jigjiga University Laboratory and Jimma University Medical Center Laboratory. Furthermore, sixteen (16) people (15 from Addis Ababa and 1 from Amhara Region) recovered from the disease that makes the total number of recoveries ninety-one (91). The Details of today’s cases are presented below;

S.NoCitizenshipResidenceAgeSexTravel history of AbroadContact with confirmed case
1EthiopianAddis Ababa75FemaleNoUnder Investigation (identified by the laboratory test among admitted patients)
2EthiopianAfar25MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
3EthiopianAfar22MaleHe has travel history from Djibouti and is in Afar mandatory quarantine
4EthiopianAddis Ababa8FemaleYes
5EthiopianOromia, Batu19FemaleYes

The 75-year-old woman mentioned above was being treated at a hospital for other chronic medical problems, and due to respiratory distress, she was suspected for COVID-19 and sample was taken, however she passed away before results confirmed she was positive for COVID-19. Ministry of Health and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like to pass its condolences to the families.

COVID-19 Situational Update as of Today

Total laboratory test conducted25,135
Laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours1,047
Number of Confirmed cases within 24 hours5
Total patients of COVID-19 in treatment centers48
Patients in intensive care0
Newly Recovered16
Total Recovered91
Total Deaths4
Returned to their country2
Total confirmed cases as of today145

The Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like to advise the public to strictly adhere to all precaution measures including avoiding mass gatherings, washing hands with water and soap, covering mouth and nose with face/cloth mask when in crowded areas, and maintaining physical distancing.

For more information or to report if any person had contact with confirmed COVID-19 please call to the free toll line 8335 and 952 or to regular phone 0118276796 and regional toll free lines, or use our

Dr. Lia Tadesse

Minister of Health

May 5, 2020


Notification Note on COVID-19 Situational Update May-4

The total laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours are 1758; of these five (5) of them are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the total confirmed cases as of today are One-Hundred-Forty (140). The tests were conducted at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, International Clinical Laboratories, Amhara Public Health Institute (Bahir Dar), Tigray Health Research Institute, Adama Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Haramaya University Laboratory and Jigjiga University Laboratory. The Details of cases are presented below;

S.NoCitizenshipResidenceAgeSexTravel history of AbroadContact with confirmed case
1Ethiopian24MaleHe has travel history from Puntland and is in Jigjiga University mandatory quarantine 
2Ethiopian23MaleHe has travel history from Puntland and is in Jigjiga mandatory quarantine 
3Ethiopian20MaleHe has travel history from Puntland and is in Jigjiga mandatory quarantine 
4EthiopianBahir Dar17MaleNoYes
5Swedish19MaleHe has travel history from Sweden and is in Addis Ababa mandatory quarantine 
Total laboratory test conducted24,088
Laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours1758
Number of Confirmed cases within 24 hours5
Total patients of COVID-19 in treatment centers60
Patients in intensive care0
Newly Recovered0
Total Recovered75
Total Deaths3
Returned to their country2
Total confirmed cases as of today140

COVID-19 Situational Update as of Today

The Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like to advise the public to strictly adhere to all precaution measures including avoiding mass gatherings, washing hands with water and soap, covering mouth and nose with face/cloth mask when in crowded areas, and maintaining physical distancing.

For more information or to report if any person had contact with confirmed COVID-19 please call to the free toll line 8335 and 952 or to regular phone 0118276796 and regional toll free lines, or use our

Dr. Lia Tadesse

Minister of Health

May 4, 2020


Notification Note on COVID-19 Situational Update May-3

The total laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours are 1560; of these two (2) of them are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the total confirmed cases as of today are One-Hundred-Thirty- Five (135). The tests were conducted at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center, Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute, Amhara Public Health Institute (Bahir Dar and Dessie), SNNPR Public Health Institute, Adama Public Health Research and Referral Laboratory, Haramya University Laboratory and Jimma University Medical Center Laboratory. Furthermore, six (6) people from Dire Dawa recovered from the disease that makes the total number of recoveries Seventy-Five (75). The Details of today’s cases are presented below;

S.NoCitizenshipResidenceAgeSexTravel history of AbroadContact with confirmed case
1EthiopianBatu/Ziway (under medical care in Addis Ababa)49Male NoNo (identified by the random laboratory test among admitted patients )
2EthiopianSilti woreda, Silte Zone, SNNPR45FemaleNoNo (identified via house to house surveillance)

COVID-19 Situational Update as of Today

Total laboratory test conducted22,330
Laboratory tests conducted within 24 hours1560
Number of Confirmed cases within 24 hours2
Total patients of COVID-19 in the treatment center55
Patients in intensive care0
Newly Recovered6
Total Recovered75
Total Deaths3
Returned to their country2
Total confirmed cases as of today135

The Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute would like to advise the public to strictly adhere to all precaution measures including avoiding mass gatherings, washing hands with water and soap, covering mouth and nose with face/cloth mask when in crowded areas, and maintaining physical distancing.

For more information or to report if any person had contact with confirmed COVID-19 please call to the free toll line 8335 and 952 or to regular phone 0118276796 and regional toll free lines, or use our

Dr. Lia Tadesse

Minister of Health

May 3, 2020